Sweep Your Tabs Away!

Image of four shadowy figures sweeping, cast in a golden light.

“I just want to sweep all my tabs into Aboard” is something people have told us for quite some time now. So we made it, and we call it Tab Sweep. Here’s how it works:

  1. First, open a lot of tabs in Chrome or Safari. I know you can do that.
  2. Second, click the Aboard extension.
  3. Third, on the top right, click the “Save all 5 tabs” (or 50 tabs).
  4. You can figure it out from there!

I love this thing. I love it so much I made two videos about it. One is more of an ad, and one is more of an explainer. Here’s the ad:

The team has mixed feelings about this ad. Some love it. Some would prefer a gentler touch. Long-term I know we will be a lot more chill. But I gotta tell you Aboard is ultimately going to be a business and it feels good to take the mask off a little and just sell sell sell in a goofy way. I have a conflicted relationship with capitalism like everyone but not with this part! This part is a blast. 

The ad was 45 seconds and required me to figure out how to use five different pieces of software—one piece of software every nine seconds. I learned how to vocode.

And here’s the explainer. It’s more helpful:

P.S. The plugin now comes with a smarter Board/Stack picker—with easier filtering—because people kept asking for that, too.

P.P.S. Firefox is coming soon!

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